Sunday, June 8, 2014

Strawberry Lemonade Sorbet

Our daughter plays soccer for the city we live in.  Since she is only 5 it has taken a little coaching for her to get "aggressive".  My husband came up with the idea to encourage her by saying if she got a goal, we would go out for ice cream.  Well, that was motivation enough because she got a goal the first week, then the next week she scored 4!  Of course, she had to have "extra" because she scored so many times.  There are not many corn-free ice creams out there.  The only place that we have found to go out for ice cream is Farr's Fresh.  Their Gelato is corn-free and SO DELICOUS!  (The other types of ice cream all have corn, so we just stick with the Gelato... Pistachio is their current favorite).

The last game of the season came around and we needed to go out for ice cream one last time, but my husband had kidney stones and did not feel like leaving the house.  So we opted to make ice cream at home.  I asked her what kind was her favorite and she said... Strawberry lemonade ice cream.  I looked online and found a basic sorbet recipe and then added the flavors we wanted.  It turned out just like the frozen strawberry lemonades you get in the cups.  So yummy!

Strawberry-Lemonade Sorbet

2 cups water
2 cups sugar
1 1/2 pounds fresh strawberries (I used 1 1/2 containers or you can use 2 bags of the 12 oz frozen)
1/2 cup lemon juice

Pour sugar into medium sauce pan.  Gently pour water over the top making sure it doesn't splash.  DO NOT STIR  Then heat until all the sugar is dissolved.  Carefully turn off and let cool.  (if you stir it, for some reason it turns crystally and makes the ice cream more icy.

After sugar and water is cooled.  Clean and cut off tops of strawberries.  Blend until smooth and add lemon juice.  Then pour the sugar/water mixture and blend.  Pour into an ice cream maker.

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